Thursday, May 16, 2019

Letter to Congress Essay

My name is and I am writing as your constituent in the 53rd Congressional district of California. I am writing to ask you to cosponsor Rep. backside Conyers Expanded and Improved Medicare for All Act (H.R. 676). United States House of Representatives Bill Number 676 is the proposed U.S. legislation to name single-payer wellness care, improved Medicare for All, in the United States. It bequeath establish lifelong, comprehensive coverage for health care. A single-payer system would take the charge of insurance premiums off of employers and put it on the people as a nation, where it belongs. I cant think of a to a greater extent pro-business step that Congress could take at this time. Its also the right thing to do, the humane thing to do. Obamacare doesnt address the lack of sustainability of our health care system. It wont keep insurance prices down, more than 30 million people will persist in uninsured, and insurance companies will manipulate their way out of any imposed regulat ions.We will no weeklong be paying for a system that wastes $400 billion in excessive administrative costs, more of our health care dollars will be spent on health care, and more of the doctors and nurses time will be spent on caring for people. The result will be more time spent on prevention and wellness and the U.S. dramatically raising its life expectancy. As a Registered Nurse who has been use at various managed care payers, I know firsthand the corruption and abuse that is typical of health insurance companies. It is political corruption that has allowed this situation to continue. Right now Congress and the President are scrap over how much to slash Medicare and Medi-Cal/Medicaid benefits. The American people dont want to see this happen. National, single-payer health care (H.R. 676) is pro-business, and pro-people. Please co-sponsor today. Thank you for your time and attention.

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